A while back I had a chance to write a special bonus scene with Lemon & Shane from Call Me, Irresistible for Book+Main and now I am able to share it with all of you! This is scene two in a three part set. You can find part one in the previous post and part three in the next post. Please note that this scene takes place after the conclusion of Call Me, Irresistible so it shouldn't be read unless you've finished the book or else... spoilers! This content is sexually explicit and not intended for anyone under the age of eighteen. I hope you enjoy this second bonus scenes with Lemon & Shane. Drop me a comment if so!
xoxo - Jess

Shane's POV
"Georgie! Georgie, if you don't hurry up you'll be late for school!"
"Ooh, Georgie's in trouble." Rosie barely suppressed a giggle and Sophie didn't help at all when she chimed in as well.
"She has to look pretty for Robbie, Dad."
Shane Lowry turned and gave his two youngest daughters a glare that instantly had their lips snapping shut and their eyes averting. He sighed and went back to making sandwiches for their lunches. He wasn't sure when it had happened but his sweet, kind, soft-spoken daughters had been replaced by these sarcastic lookalikes that always had an opinion on everything.
No, that wasn't true, he thought to himself as he cut up a tomato and deposited it onto the three sandwiches. He knew exactly when it had happened. It had happened at the same time Lemon had become part of their little family, his wife and step-mother to Georgie, Sophie and Rosie.
He loved his wife. He loved everything about her. He loved her softness and her strength. He loved that she was headstrong and independent and had built the life she wanted for herself. He loved Lemon and he loved the way his girls had become their girls over the last couple of years. He loved that more and more he could see the ways Lemon rubbed off on his three daughters and that they were growing up to be smart, capable, independent women too.
He only wished they'd stop growing up quite so fast.
Georgie strolled into the kitchen, finally, as if they hadn't all been waiting for her and shot her younger sisters a condescending look, "He goes by Rob now and he doesn't care if I wear makeup or not. He loves me and I love him."
Shane tried and failed not to groan. It was too early for this. He hadn't slept well. First because he'd been missing Lemon and then because he hadn't been able to fall asleep after her phone call. He was worried about her. He didn't like her being on the road by herself for weeks at a time. He would have to check the calendar before the next leg of her tour started and see if he couldn't get away. For now, he could just be content in knowing she'd be home in a few more days.
Not only was it too early in the morning though, it was also too **** early in Georgie's life for her to be falling in love with boys. No. Not boys, he mentally amended. Just one. Rob West. The boy she'd had a crush on her whole life and been dating off and on and off and on and off and on in the way that only teenagers could get away with for nearly two years.
She was only seventeen, at least for a few more weeks. She had no idea what love was. Did she? Could she? Just the thought of his little girl out there in the world doing the kind of things that he'd been doing at that age was enough to give him a migraine.
Since he didn't feel like having yet another fight about the way Georgie had rescheduled her entire life around her boyfriend he ignored her statement completely and finishing putting together the sandwiches in front of him.
"Robbie loves baseball." Sophie must have rolled her eyes because he could hear the judgment in her words. So young and yet so smart. So observant. She'd always been his quiet and shy daughter but she didn't shy away from pointing out the obvious to her big sister. Lately, the two of them had done more yelling than talking and he knew before Sophie even uttered the next words that a fight was coming. "He only likes you because you don't complain about all the hours he spends at the field practicing like most girls would."
"Take it back." Georgie instantly hissed.
"Why? It's true." Sophie snorted.
"Robbie loves me. You don't know what you're talking about." Georgie's voice wobbled slightly and Shane wondered if he'd have to step between them to stop an all out brawl. "You're just a stupid little girl who doesn't know anything about love."
"I'm not stupid. I know that Robbie's leaving Fate with a baseball scholarship and hasn't asked you to go with him." Sophie raised her voice now too and Shane put down the knife with a sigh.
"Don't you say that!" Georgie cried out as if she'd been slapped.
"Stop it. Both of you!" He glared at his two teenage daughters.
"She started it!" Georgie whined, her bottom lip trembling now.
"And I'm finishing it." Shane cringed a little on the inside when he caught himself using the same sentences his own father had used with him. "I'm sick of this constant bickering between you two so cut it out."
"But Dad..." Sophie started but his look had her pressing her lips together.
"Go get your school bag, Soph. Now." He ordered and watched as his dark haired daughter sighed and slipped from her spot at the kitchen counter to do as she was told. "Rosie?"
His youngest daughter, his baby, the sweet, little angel of his eye who had yet to hit puberty and turn into a walking nightmare simply smiled at him. Some of the tension in his shoulders drained just that easily. He loved all his daughters equally. He did. But God he loved that Rosie was still so innocent and easy compared to her teenage sisters.
"Got mine already." She pointed to the pink backpack at her feet.
"Good girl."
"Dad, she doesn't know what she's..." Georgie started, pulling his attention back to her and that tension came back full force.
"I said stop. Let it go. I don't want to hear it."
She didn't look like his little girl anymore. She looked like a young woman. Her blonde hair, like her mother's, was long and straight. Her face a soft cherub complete with thick lashes and full lips. She was growing up into a beautiful woman and there was nothing Shane could do to stop it. He couldn't even complain about the glittering eyeshadow or pink gloss on her mouth anymore according to Lemon. Georgie was growing up and he had to let her live, had to let her learn and make her own mistakes, or she'd rebel and it would be a hundred times worse.
God, he wished his wife was there.
Lemon might not be their biological mother but she understood the girls in ways he never could. She was more than just their stepmother. She was their friend and confidant.
She was the voice of reason that told him to ignore Georgie and Sophie's spats because teenage girls fought with their sisters. She was the one that had helped Georgie learn that less was more when it came to the makeup. She'd gotten Sophie to come out of her shell and Rosie adored her and wanted to be just like her.
If Lemon was here, she'd know a better way to deal with the girls and their fighting than just telling them to stop it.
Sophie came trudging back into the kitchen, backpack in hand, just as he was tossing their lunch into brown paper bags. He handed one to each of the girls who took them without complaint. That was a win in his book. Some days they whined about sandwiches and wanting money to eat out but they must've known he was done being tested this morning.
He handed Georgie her bag last, "Don't forget you're supposed to go to Grandma and Grandpa's today after school."
Georgie blew a strand of hair off her face, "Dad, I can take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter."
Oh yes you do, he thought but didn't say.
"Your grandparents want to see all three of you. You haven't been by there in nearly two weeks, Georgie." He admonished.
"I know. Sorry. Okay."
"And be nice to your sisters." He attempted to ruffle her hair but she squealed and backed away.
"No promises on that one."
He smiled softly, "Get to school before you're all three late. And no speeding."
"I would never speed." Georgie shot him a smirk and he shook his head as he shooed his daughters from the kitchen.
"Love you. Love you. Love you." He gave them each a kiss on top of the head, the most they'd still allow him, "Have a good day at school and I'll see you this evening."
"Love you Dad." Rosie squeezed him before trailing after her sisters towards the door.
His heart was still warm from her words as the door slammed shut behind them and the house went quiet. Shane sighed and slowly returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess from breakfast. He put the dishes in the sink and put away the leftovers from his lunch preparation.
A quick glance at his watch told him that he needed to be heading out soon too. He might be the boss these days but that just meant he was held to a higher standard. Since his father's retirement from the Fate Sheriff's Department, and Shane's subsequent election, he'd had to learn to balance his family life with his career. He loved his new position of authority in the community and he knew it made his dad proud to see him continue to follow in his footsteps. But he couldn't say he relished the paperwork that came with the new job and some days, like today, he itched to be back out there on the streets with his men.
He finished rinsing the dishes and putting them into the dishwasher, added the soap and then set it to run. He was just wiping down the counter and about to grab his badge and keys and head to work when he heard the front door of the house open again. He frowned, knowing for sure that the girls were going to be late now and headed towards the entryway.
"What did you forget this time?" He huffed as he stepped into the living room and then came to a standstill.
He blinked but the image before him didn't change. It wasn't Georgie claiming to have forgotten a schoolbook. It wasn't Sophie racing upstairs to retrieve her sheet music. It wasn't even Rosie coming back in for one last bathroom attempt. No, it was one of his girls but it wasn't one of his daughters.
She smiled as she shut the door behind her and dropped a bag to the ground. His heart walloped at that dazzling smile. His brain was still trying to wrap itself around the fact that his beautiful wife was standing in front of him but his body was already busy reacting to her mere presence.
Her blonde hair was down around her shoulders in messy, wind-blown curls. She wasn't wearing any makeup and her fresh face made her seem younger somehow, reminded him of the girl he'd known before the woman she was had come back into his life like a whirlwind. Her blue eyes twinkled and her lips curled into a smile.
Lemon held her arms out wide, "Surprise!"
Shane closed the space between them like a sprinter and pulled her into his arms. Lemon giggled as he spun them in a circle. Her arms went around him instantly and her legs came up to wrap around his waist at the same time. When he convinced himself she was real, that she was really there, he stopped spinning and pulled back enough to look at her.
"You're here?"
"I'm here." Lemon smiled as she leaned forward and brushed their lips together.
"You're home." Shane slid one hand to her ***, holding her up as his other went to her face to trace her beautiful features.
"I'm home." She acknowledged, kissing his fingers and then peppering kisses across his jaw as well.
"God, Lemon. I thought I was going crazy when I saw you there. I wanted you home so badly I thought I was hallucinating you."
She laughed and the sound soothed all the rough edges inside of him. That laugh of hers was so sweet, so melodic. It was the soundtrack of their lives together and he found himself hugging her tight again and never wanting to let her go.
"You're not hallucinating. I'm here. I'm home." She ran her fingers through his dark hair.
"I took a day off." She shrugged.
"Lem..." He used his warning voice because he knew it wasn't that easy.
"It's a travel day. So I traveled home." She shrugged again as if that explained everything before she sighed, "I wanted to see you. I needed to see you. I have to leave again later tonight to be in Phoenix for the show tomorrow but we have the rest of the day together."
"Oh, baby." Shane held her face and kissed her again, "We have forever."
"There's my sweet talking husband."
"You're just here for a few hours then?"
"Then I'm taking the day off work too and we're spending it in bed together." He decided instantly. "I'm not taking a single minute with you for granted. Let me call in and then I'm all yours for the rest of the day."
"Don't you mean for the rest of my life?" Lemon teased and he chuckled.
"Always, baby. God, you make me crazy. I missed you." He kissed her again quickly and she laughed.
"You like my kind of crazy."
He did. He so, so did.
(subject to copyright. Do not share, copy or distribute. Property of Jess Bryant)